Nicole Rose Julian grew up in Culver City, California, where at the age of 12 they took their first college-level screenwriting class. They haven’t stopped writing since. With great passion, they attended acting classes at the American Musical & Dramatic Academy and the New York Film Academy in Hollywood, California. Following Nicole’s time in school, they went on to join the nine to five workforce, along with odd jobs as a photographer, PA on sets, and writing consultant on the side. After finding more success in their art they made it their full-time job. With lots of love and support from family and friends, The Relatable Poetry Journal was encouraged to see the light of day. Nicole now has made it their personal mission to inspire people to live as their most authentic selves, while supporting causes geared towards mental health wellness. 







Beauty is – In the eye of the beholder.  

The holder of the mighty cup that’s filled up with the tears of your peers, unable to find beauty  right between their own ears. Just under their noses. 

So many poses in the mirror that just aren’t clear as beauty to some.  

It’s strange. Beauty isn’t glum or unbothered, but it can be sad, so sad. Yet also the definition of  glad, happy and gay. 

I like my beauty sad most days, for without the sad we can’t appreciate the good.  

That’s something nature has understood since… the beginning of time. When snow falls and  trees die, when rain falls from the sky. It’s beautiful. 

But the beauty in a smile – Oh let’s sit with that awhile.  

Turn that smile into a laugh. It’s beautiful.  

The mad dash just before it rains, making it to see the show. Getting lost in someones eyes and  the surprise of good news. That’s beautiful.  

But when you can open your eyes to see yourself in all your glory and say “I’m beautiful”  you’ve made it. 


One small nick or scrap and your heart drops.  I have to stop and think.  

Why do I suddenly feel like I need sleep?  I can’t keep this inside, yet I wanna hide. 

Find someone to speak to  

Release to  

Who can help me break free too.  

Maybe you?  

No, no not you.  

Another person to feel like a burden to.  But I have to do something right?  

I can’t see an end in sight  

I wanna fight and scream.  

I feel like an athlete without a team  Everyone is there, except in my time of need.  I need a break  

So I can shake off this feeling of ache  Like dead skin.  

Find myself again  

No booze or weed.  

I just need to breathe.