The work you are about to read and view was created by two different artists.

Jazzy Colbert is a poet that writes about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the struggles that come along with it, through her writing she creates visceral emotions with the reader. Cia Atkins is a multidisciplinary artist that illustrates, paints, and sculpts. These artists are proud to show you the work finished.








I am a plastic pinwheel,
taming these turbulent winds!

Onto my aligned axis,
I put my own speedy spin!

Making mesmerizing games,
puzzled children cannot win!

‘Til I am surrounded still,
naturally, I am pinned.


Whenever the recess bell rang,
shoe prints were swallowed
by the shade of tree canopies.

The glaring girls
never had enough room
underneath them for me.

I bounced to their highs
and slid down their lows,
like play was grounds for befriending.

But rings grew initials
as I snapped leftover sticks,
seconds swaying idly.

Green has crumpled with seasons.
Dirt has muddied their promises.
Twigs do not stick together, inevitably.

Letting Go

I have hung onto you, my monkey bars,
and grinned through burning grip.

You used to feel me slip from sweat,
until my fingers became familiar.

The players preach to me
that there are more grown-up games.

So, I rapidly release,
bracing for infernal impact.

Wood chips fly from my weight
as I grasp grounded connections.

Knowing, like the hills on my hands,
you will shrink slowly with time.