The Use of Force

    Daniel took a swing at my supervisor, and almost instantly he had Daniel in a basket-hold, straining to keep Daniel’s swinging head low and away from his own, stretching his neck up and away.  “Help me take him to the floor,”...

at the time of death

It is now undeniable that the scythe of death has risen among us Angelenos, Americans, humans.  We owe to Earnest Becker recognition of the vital delusions we already use to ward off death’s everyday imminence. Those comforting delusions begin to slip when...


     The worst thing, in my opinion, about the acquittal is that it furthers the notion that right and wrong is determined by legal strictures instead of moral or ethical guidelines.  Exoneration in this case means only the absence of...

Protect Us from the Dawn

This photo was taken over the winter holiday last year early in the morning. The sentry guarding the dawn is a wooden nutcracker doll that I received from the good people at Michael’s for spending more that $50 on art supplies. This one has been standing on the...